RX-TX mod. AN/PRR-9 and AN/PRT-4 (U.S.A. 1966) - Portable radio set composed by a receiver (AN/PRR-9) and a transmitter (AN/PRT-4) that when used togeter provide one-way, short range, tactical communication. The receiver is designed for quick attachment and use on the standard helmet. It has double conversion superetherodyne circuit, FM type of modulation, receive voice and tone modulated signals on a preset frequency in the band of 47 to 57 MHz, depending on the crystal installed. The transmitter has two crystal controlled channel, and can transmits either audio tone (mod. 150 cycle per sec.) or voice in the same frequency band as the receiver. Tx power output 450 mW at 12 V. Battery: BA-505/U (5 V9) for the receiver; BA-399/U (12 V) for the transmitter.
su CQ Elettronica 05/1998)