RTX mod. AN/PRC-8 -
(U.S.A. 1954)
RTX mod. AN/PRC-8 with accessories - (U.S.A. 1954) - Portable radio set operating FM mode in band 20 - 27,9 MHz. Utilized by USA and NATO troops from Vietnam conflict, it was one of three equal equipments (AN/PRC-8, -9, -10) diversify by frequency range (from 20 to 54,9 MHz). The receiver type is a supereterodyne with sensitivity of 0,5 microvolt, I.F.= 4,3 MHz. Transmitter output is 1,2 W (for PRC-8); Power source: battery BA-279/U (+1,5 V, -6 V, +67,5 V, +67,5 V). Weight 12 Kg.
(Articolo su CQ Elettronica 12/2000)