RTX mod. CPRC-26 - (Canada 1958) - Field portable radio set working in FM modulation in the frequency band 47.0 - 55,4 MHz, 6 channels, I.F. = 4,3 MHz, TX out 300 mW, the power source is a dry battery type BA289/U (+1,5, -3, +45, +90 V), stylus antenna 135 cm long. 10 valves utilized: 8 subminiature and 2 miniature type, (6) 5678, (4) 1AD4, (1) 5672, (2) 3B4. Every subminiature tube is inserted with other electronic parts into a metallic box, connected to the circuit by a 7 pin socket. This transceiver was used by some NATO armed forces until the 80s.