Multimetro mod. 4955S della Hickok Electrical Instrument Co. Cleveland,
Ohio U.S.A. 1937. Lo strumento poteva misurare tensioni, correnti e
resistenze con le seguenti portate: AC/DC: 10 - 50 - 250 - 500 e 2500 V;
0,5 - 5 - 50 - 500 mA; Ohm x1, x100, x1000 e low Ohm. L'alimentazione
era fornita da due batterie: una da 1.5 V e una da 4.5 V.
© IK3HIA, 2004 |
Multimeter mod.
4955S by Hickok Electrical Instrument Co. Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A.
1937. The instrument could measure voltages, currents and
resistances with the following ranges: AC/DC: 10 - 50 - 250 - 500 and
2500 V;
0.5 - 5 - 50 - 500mA;
Ohms x1, x100, x1000 and low Ohms.
Power was supplied by two batteries: one
1.5 V and one 4.5 V.
© IK3HIA, 2004 |